
Bio-Guru / Bio-Raj / Bio-Mas

Suggested Spray Schedule for Orange

Application Duration(Days) Crop BF Dose
1st spray 15 Flowering 0.30 ml Per Lit Water
2nd spray At The Time Flowering 0.30 ml Per Lit Water
3rd spray 25 Flowering 0.30 ml Per Lit Water
4th spray 50 Flowering 0.30 ml PerLit Water


Application BF Dose Increase Ratio
Repeat spray Monthly Spray Will Change the generic behavior & Mango will start flowering & Fruiting Continuously. Yield Increase = 50% C:B Ratio = 1:40

Viagro / XYagro / Maagro

Suggested Spray Schedule for Orange

Application Duration(Days) Crop BF Dose
1st spray 15 Flowering 1.00 ml Per Lit Water
2nd spray At The Time Flowering 1.00 ml Per Lit Water
3rd spray 25 Flowering 1.00 ml Per Lit Water
4th spray 50 Flowering 1.00 ml PerLit Water


Application BF Dose Increase Ratio
Repeat spray Monthly Spray Will Change the generic behavior & Mango will start flowering & Fruiting Continuously. Yield Increase = 40% C:B Ratio = 1:40